Weibull modulus
The Weibull modulus or Weibull distribution describes the lifetime and frequency of failure of brittle materials. The theory is based on the concept of the weakest link. With the Weibull modulus, the scattering behaviour of the strength of ceramic materials can be efficiently described. Unlike an exponential distribution, it takes into account the history of a workpiece. In addition, the process has a "memory" and takes into account the ageing of a material. Ageing is not only assumed to be rigid, however, but is also dependent on the use of the material. This results in a clear connection between the probability of breakage and the load on the workpiece. Furthermore, the strength level is included in the calculation, whereby the strength scatter is also related to the Weibull modulus. It can therefore be said that the narrower the strength distribution of the distribution curve, the higher the Weibull modulus and the more homogeneous and less prone to failure the workpiece will be. The Weibull modulus is determined in accordance with DIN EN 843-5 and DIN 51110-3.